Unraveling Arva Reviews 


Cho­sen as a ‘Top Ten Pick’ by Mar­garet Can­non, Globe and Mail, 2004

“This is a superb first novel from an excit­ing new Cana­dian tal­ent. Lun­dri­gan takes on one of the most dif­fi­cult tasks in fic­tion: She cre­ates a mys­tery out of the psy­chol­ogy of a sin­gle char­ac­ter.”
Mar­garet Can­non
Globe and Mail

“A blend of magic real­ism and spot-on ver­nac­u­lar.“
Joan Sul­li­van
The Telegram

“The author’s voice is a slow melt. Unrav­el­ing Arva teases every expe­ri­ence for sen­sory detail.“
Paul But­ler
Atlantic Books Today

“Nicole Lun­dri­gan is a nat­ural sto­ry­teller in the tra­di­tion of Donna Mor­ris­sey.”
Helen Fog­will Porter
Author of Jan­u­ary, Feb­ru­ary, June or July