“Lundrigan writes about Newfoundland the way William Faulkner
wrote about the American south.”
Nearing death, an old man laments his poor choice of a wife, and has orchestrated a situation where he will see his childhood love one last time. From these circumstances emerges Stella, a woman who grapples with her family ghosts as they reach across the generations. The Seary Line is a collage of interactions that explores the strength of a bloodline, and the often minute, but significant energies that propel a life forward.
Praise for The Seary Line
Honourable Mention for the 2009 Sunburst Award
Long-listed for the Relit Award
“[The Seary Line] is a character-driven tale and Lundrigan’s gift is to create memorable ones…The characters are haunting and evocative…there’s more than enough suspense to keep the story moving and the settings are great.“
Margaret Cannon, The Globe and Mail
“The Seary Line is steeped in her brand of Newfoundland Gothic, of characters, dilemmas and settings that are tweaked to a pitch of loneliness, defect and calamity all of their own.“
Joan Sullivan, The Telegram
“If there is a new wave of Newfoundland fiction going on, Nicole Lundrigan may be one of its leaders… Lundrigan writes about Newfoundland the way William Faulkner wrote about the American south.”
Darrell Squires, The Western Star
“Lundrigan plaits a rich braid of tales, as effortless to read as it is to believe…richly rendered through a crafted style that is never affected or merely ornamental…something extra permeates this novel. It is the bare consideration of memory, regret, and how a single, slipped moment can fix a life.“
Bruce Johnson, Atlantic Books Today
“The novel’s greatest strength, and the reason to read it, is to experience the lives of such intricately wrought characters… the detail and affection in Lundrican’s stitches create a cloth of vivid colour and lingering texture.”
Leslie Vryenhoek, Newfoundland Quarterly Vol.101, Number 3
“I was fewer than fifty pages into the book when I realized thoughts of American novelist William Faulkner were dallying in my mind … a dandy read, sown with people and incidents as fecund as a freshly plowed field … it’s chock-a-block with double-edged imagery.“
Harold Walters, The Advertiser