Glass Boys Reviews 


“Through the dark­ness, Lun­dri­gan ten­derly cre­ates moments of hope for her char­ac­ters… char­ac­ters [who are] are fully alive - nuanced and flawed - drawing read­ers into their plight in this rich, evoca­tive novel.”
Pub­lish­ers Weekly

“This is a darkly atmos­pheric work exam­in­ing the last­ing power of love, loy­alty, and fam­ily secrets. Read­ers who enjoy Annie Proulx and Kent Haruf will find sim­i­lar themes in Lundrigan’s work. A pitch-perfect novel with a writ­ing style that shifts as eas­ily as the char­ac­ters’ moods, Glass Boys is a tri­umph.”
Stephanie Turza
Amer­i­can Library Association’s Book­list, Starred Review

“Lun­dri­gan is a gen­er­ous writer, able to colour with many shades of grey, and ten­derly allow­ing char­ac­ter to be a work in progress…By the end of Glass Boys, a del­i­cate study of despair and yearn­ing, Lundrigan’s kind­ness and skill have led us to hope that (almost) every char­ac­ter — bad, good or ambigu­ous — feels safe enough to stay.“
J.C. Sut­cliffe
Globe & Mail

“Lundrigan’s tim­ing and abil­ity to depict the evo­lu­tion of the char­ac­ters is exquis­ite, and her style is impres­sive. Each sen­tence is as care­fully crafted as a line in poetry, and each pro­pels the next one for­ward in rhythm and sound.“
Susie DeCoste
Cana­dian Lit­er­a­ture: A quarterly

“At its heart, Glass Boys—a great title—is a story as old as the old­est sto­ries. It’s the bat­tle between good and evil, and also a trib­ute to the amaz­ing power of love.“
Sharon Hunt
Atlantic Books Today

“Glass Boys is intense, dark and haunt­ing.”
Tracy Sher­lock
Van­cou­ver Sun

Lun­dri­gan is “…a great New­found­land nov­el­ist every­one in the coun­try should know.”
Chad Pel­ley
National Post

The novel is “…ren­dered with haunt­ing hon­esty and detail… Dri­ven by deft plot­ting and vivid imagery… Lun­dri­gan describes her char­ac­ters with such thor­ough­ness that the reader senses even the most the unfor­giv­able could be under­stood with enough con­text.”
Meghan Potkins
Win­nipeg Free Press

“Lun­dri­gan fear­lessly probes the depths humans can sink to, but she man­ages, too, to find lots of light…The author has a gift for find­ing the extra­or­di­nary in the ordi­nary — in a neighbour’s kind­ness, for exam­ple, or in the com­fort­ing con­fines of a vin­tage store. And the prose is gor­geously vivid. This is Lundrigan’s fourth novel, and she’s at the peak of her pow­ers. Glass Boys is a grip­ping story, told with immense skill and unblink­ing hon­esty.“
Susan G. Cole
Now Mag­a­zine

“…a tale of filthy beauty… touch­ing and dis­turb­ing… Glass Boys is noth­ing short of a fam­ily epic.”
Whit­ney Moran
Arts East

“Lundrigan’s nar­ra­tive coaxes you along eas­ily.”
Mike Landry

One of the “Best Books of August” and “Best Books of Fall“
The Edi­tors at

“Deftly walks the line between light and dark, hope and fear, reward­ing the reader every step of the way with daz­zling hon­esty and truth.“
Ami McKay
author of The Birth House

“Good writ­ing com­pressed into dark minds and shad­owed places.“
Joan Sul­li­van
The Telegram

“[Glass Boys], will…catapult Lun­dri­gan into the spotlight…Her writ­ing is so enthralling, and the story so full of sus­pense and inter­est, that there is a temp­ta­tion to allow the pages to fly by when they really should be savoured…Comparisons to other New­found­land authors are inevitable, and while Lundrigan’s writ­ing draws on themes of hard­ship, dif­fi­cult fam­ily rela­tion­ships, and abuse that will be famil­iar to read­ers of Michael Win­ter and Lisa Moore, her voice is strong enough to stand on its own. Per­haps, with her lat­est effort, she will finally earn the right to have up-and-comers com­pared to her.“
Dory Cerny
Quill & Quire, Starred Review Top 100 Books of the Year

Now Mag­a­zine Top 10 Books of the Year