Thaw Reviews 


Longlisted for the Relit Award

“…a vivid, rich, gal­lop­ing story, gothic and true…”
Lisa Moore
Author of Open, Alli­ga­tor, and February

“One of the major plea­sures of this excel­lent novel is read­ing it aloud. [Thaw is]… won­der­ful, musi­cal and often laugh-out-loud funny.”
Mar­garet Can­non
The Globe and Mail

“She’s estab­lish­ing her own genre, a kind of New­found­land Gothic … with an arc as relent­less and oth­er­worldly as a mete­orite.”
Joan Sul­li­van
Cur­rent Magazine

“…if my instincts are cor­rect, I think this book is a har­bin­ger of great things to come — and may mark Nicole Lun­dri­gan as a seri­ous con­tender for the next Great Cana­dian Nov­el­ist.”
Sarah Wein­man